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const userEntity = seamless.getEntity("User");
userEntity.start(); // Change the loading state to true
userEntity.newData({ username: "Barak" }); // Set the data
userEntity.newError("Some error"); // Set the error to true and the message to "Some error"

Store will look like

  "dataEntities": {
    "User": { username: "Barak" }
  "loadingEntities": {
    "User": true
  "errorEntities": {
    "User": {
      "isError": true,
      "data": "Some error"


React should render DOM elements, and Redux should handle state management - easy to say, hard to do. seamless-redux facilitate the separation between React and Redux by eliminating the dispatch method and the overhead of writing repetitive code.


To improve React/Redux architecture, seamless-redux created decorators for common actions/reducers/selectors to better handle state management for loading state, data state, and error state.



npm install seamless-redux


const store = createStore(rootReducer);
export const seamless = Seamless(store); // pass the redux store


import { combineReducers } from "redux";
import { reducers as entities } from "seamless-redux";
export default combineReducers({
  1. npm install seamless-redux
  2. Pass the store object to the class instance (index.js)
  3. Add the reducers to the root reducer (rootReducer.js) Then, the redux store will have three new subtrees
    { "dataEntities": {}, "loadingEntities": {}, "errorEntities": {}, ... }

  4. Use the seamless instance to manage your store by creating entities and changing their data, loading, and error state.

seamless.createEntity("MyEntity") to create the entity

const myEntity = seamless.getEntity("MyEntity") to get the entity

entity.start() will change the loading state to true

entity.finish() will change the loading state to false

entity.newData(data) will change the data state to data


Create Entity

import { seamless } from '../index'
seamless.createEntity("User", {});

Creating an entity will initiate the data, loading, and error states.



import React from 'react';
import { selectors } from 'seamless-redux';

const {
  selectData, selectLoading, selectIsError, selectErrorData,
} = selectors;

class MyComponent extends React.PureComponent {
  componentDidMount() {
    authUserAction(email, password);

  render() {
    const { isLoading, isError, errorMessage, user } = this.props;
    return <div />


const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  isLoading: selectLoading(state, "MyEntity"),
  isError: selectIsError(state, "MyEntity"),
  errorMessage: selectErrorData(state, "MyEntity"),
  user: selectData(state, "MyEntity"),

export default connect(



export const authUserAction = (email, password) => {
  const userEntity = seamless.getEntity("User");
  // Or just userEntity.reset();

  authApi(email, password)
    .then((response) => userEntity.newData(
    .catch(() => userEntity.newError("Error auth"))
    .finally(() => userEntity.finish());

Call the action from any component, no dispatch required.

Seamless API

Create Entity

import { seamelss } from '../index.js';
const entityName = "MyEntity";
const defaultState = {};
const options = {
  enableError: true,
  enableIsLoading: true,
  defaultIsLoading: true,
  defaultIsError: false,
  defaultErrorData: null,
seamless.createEntity(entityName, defaultState, options);
Argument Default Required Description
entityName null true The name of the entity, example: "User"
defaultState {} false The entity's initial data state
options { enableError: true, enableIsLoading: true, defaultIsLoading: true, defaultIsError: false, defaultErrorData: null } false Additional options

Get Entity

const entityName = "MyEntity";

Get the entity by its name.

Get State


Get the redux state. Simply invoke store.getState()

Loading State



Reset the data, loading, and error, to the default values.

Start Loading


    "loadingEntities": {
-       "MyEntity": false,
+       "MyEntity": true,

Set the loading state to true.

Finish Loading

Set the loading state to false/


    "loadingEntities": {
-       "MyEntity": true,
+       "MyEntity": false,

Data State

New Data

Replace the old data with new data.

myEntity.newData("new data");

    "dataEntities": {
-       "MyEntity": "old data",
+       "MyEntity": "new data"

Merge Data

Merge old data with new data using _.merge.

myEntity.merge({ b: 2 });

    "dataEntities": {
-       "MyEntity": {"a": 1},
+       "MyEntity": {"a": 1, "b": 2}

Update Object by Key

If the data is an object, change the data under a key.

myEntity.updateObjectByKey("new data", "b");

    "dataEntities": {
-       "MyEntity": {"a": "just data", "b": "old data"},
+       "MyEntity": {"a": "just data", "b": "new data"}

Find in Array and Update

Will search an array with the search function and will replaced a single find with data.

const func = item => item === 2;
myEntity.findInArrayAndUpdate("new data", func);

    "dataEntities": {
-       "MyEntity": [1, 2, 3, 2],
+       "MyEntity": [1, "new data", 3, "new data"]

Toggle Boolean

If the data is a boolean, will toggle true -> false and false -> true.


    "dataEntities": {
-       "MyEntity": false,
+       "MyEntity": true
// OR 
    "dataEntities": {
-       "MyEntity": true,
+       "MyEntity": false

Push Data to Array

If the data is an array, will push an item to the array.

myEntity.pushData("new data");

    "dataEntities": {
-       "MyEntity": [1, 2, 3],
+       "MyEntity": [1, 2, 3, "new data"]

Error State

New Error

Will set the isError flag to true, and will set the error message to data

myEntity.newError("error message");

    "errorEntities": {
        "MyEntity": {
-         "isError": false,
-         "data": null
+         "isError": true,
+         "data": "error message"

Reset Error

Will reset the isError to false and the error message to null.


    "errorEntities": {
        "MyEntity": {
-         "isError": true,
-         "data": "error message"
+         "isError": false,
+         "data": null


The selectors select the data, loading, error, and error message for a specific entity.

Select Data

selectData(state, entityName)

Select the data for an entity

Select a key in the data

selectKeyInData(state, entityName, key)

Select the a key in an data if data is an object

Select Loading

selectLoading(state, entityName)

Select the loading state for an entity

Select isError

selectIsError(state, entityName)

Select the isError boolean for an entity

Select Error Data

selectErrorData(state, entityName)

Select the error message/data for an entity
